Saturday, October 10, 2009

welcome to atlanta...

lemme just say, i love to fly and i love the atlanta airport.

so, i got my tired rump up at 5am., my coworker kelley would be laughing at that cuz she knows that ONLY happens on special occasions or in case of fire.

there was ice on my windshield and super dense fog when i loaded the car at 6. i was a little nervous about that fog. but, things went well... i stood in line for a long time to check my bag... even though i was already "checked in". my encounter TSA went well. i don't know why i'm terrified of those people. they scare me as much as the library police. whatever you say, Bubba.

i never put my stuff down... got right onto the plane and bam! here i am. my seat mate was a sweet woman who is going on her first cruise. i enjoyed talking with her... she was fixated on smoking, having only quit a few weeks ago. she was maybe a little too jittery and chatty for even my taste, but i think we talked out the anxiety--even through the turbulence on the way in. maybe i need to create a business of plane therapy? it's kinda fun. :)

well... i've a two hour layover here in the land of peaches and falcons! i'd take a pic of myself and post it here, but i'll tell you, i'm packed so well and precariously, if i move the wrong thing, it'll be like the fall of the roman empire. messy.

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