Friday, October 09, 2009

cosmic slop...

Water, originally uploaded by Cosmic Slop.

sometimes you meet someone on line... maybe you never actually meet them face to face, but nonetheless... they make an impression... influence the way you see things.

Justin is working in Afghanistan and he sends notes home to a laundry list of us who are all concerned about his well-being. but, amid danger i cannot even fathom, he is rallying donations for a child care center.

he also takes incredible pictures, and i'm inspired by the beauty that he has captured.

he wrote a note yesterday to tell us he was okay... an explosion not far off. this morning, while i was getting ready for work, mentally whining about my woes, i heard the report on npr. it struck me in that moment, the connection and that i have no real understanding of the reality that Justin is working in or the people he works with every day.

i'm grateful that he is sharing his experience and his photos...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Kymberlie, thank you. :) It means a lot to me to have a connection with folks back home. I'm glad we've met. (Well, OK, "met" in the online sense) :) Hopefully we can get together for coffee and or photos when I get back.

Unknown said...

i'd like that very much and would love to shoot with you... just be safe, darlin'!