Wednesday, October 28, 2009

sooo sandy....

like many of my generation, Grease, the original, the first, the right and true one with Olivia and John, was a cornerstone of my pre-teen identity.

to this day, and today as a matter of fact, i sing this song all the time... i switch it up and change the lyrics for special or random occasions, but it remains and always will a mega hit in the soundtrack of my life. a giant.

i idolized Olivia Newton-John and in so many ways and on so many days, i was and am Sandy (and a little bit of Rizzo, Cha-Cha, Jan, Marty and Frenchy) . in my crazy little head, when i put my foot down (much the way Sandy stomps that cig with her red Candies) i hear this in the background.

i love the way there is so much life in Grease. so much risk and it's okay to make mistakes. you just don't know what might happen if you don't put on that motorcycle jacket. what if i'd never left my varsity pom pon squad uniform? there is so much of life that i would have missed. so many people i would never have met. so many tears and dreamy kisses...

better lose that varsity sweater...

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