Sunday, January 11, 2009


i recently committed to reigning in some of the personal stuff. i'll restart that tomorrow.

the most important relationship in my little human world ended today.

that's not earth shattering. it happens every day all over the world to a million people. in recent years, i even learned how to end them myself.

i used to think that nothing could touch some of the horrible things that i've experienced in my life. we have all faced some frightening and heart wrenching crap.

i'm here to admit, this one ranks at a whole new high on the shock and awe meter. there is having the rug pulled out from under and then there is pulling out the mountain when you're at the peak.

all i ask is that i hit the bottom soon, because i could use a little mercy now.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry.

Will said...

It's NOT that earth shattering. Not until it's happening to you. Then, it's your entire world that's been shattered, shaken, shifted off its polar axis. Then, it sucks. And all you can do is surround yourself with things that make you happy, numb yourself to the inevitable pain, and just wait it all out.

I suspect I'll be going there soon. And I'm not really even dating someone. Which, somehow, will make it all that much more worse. *sigh*

You're a strong one. You'll get through this and be on to the rest of life soon. But we're always here if you need a shoulder.