Wednesday, January 07, 2009

setting the tone for the year with art nouveau...

choosing a calendar is a way for me to set the tone and intention of my year. the passage of days will be marked this year with the art of Alphonse Mucha. (above "Dusk")

after a semester of drawing the human body, i enjoy Mucha even more. i appreciate the aloof, but profound sensuality... his use of color and strong lines, always inviting. the movements of his ever-serene women are as strong as the current pulling you away from a tropical island.

when deciding on a piece to add to this blog, i found an artist who is inspired by Mucha and who i intend to look into further. Dario Stefanou did the pure temptation apple advertising piece below...


Anonymous said...

Mucha! I kind-of have a Mucha fetish. I gots to have you & the Cap'n over for dinner or drinks or something at my casa.

Emily said...

I too love Mucha and Art nouveau. I've a giant Mucha poster currently being framed, soon to be hanging in my apt.

Unknown said...

wow! i should have known that Mucha was this popular! very cool!