Tuesday, January 06, 2009

one thousand and one nights of passion in one night...

in the time that have been belly dancing, I have always defended that it's a dance of modesty... an expression of cultural dance forms first and foremost. to be specific, no, i'm not a stripper.

yes, yes, it's sexy. the american media and many dancers have done a dandy job of helping to enforce that exotic dancer, raised eyebrow look that i've been shrugging off and disregarding for years. but, i feared admitting its sensuality because so often it's like an abyss you fall into then respect can be nearly impossible.

tonight, i began a choreography that goes beyond laying down the moves with good technique and knowing the feeling of the music. after years of drilling and practice, i'm ready to add sexy and not just to help me have better technique. see earlier post...

the dance we started tonight is a love song, and we are dancing passion and love and sex and desire and urgency and... oh my! right there in our choreography along with all the mayas and shimmys... full out passion.

the choreography feels beyond the count. the music plays like satin sliding off a naked body. the moves flow from that reckless kiss that creates an instant knowing.

this is more than just dancing and i can hardly wait to unveil it.

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