Saturday, January 24, 2009

a passing thought...

it is good to have something that you enjoy. it is better to have something that you are good at and you enjoy.

i attended a belly dance workshop today that was fantastic and taught me new ways to do moves... this is the way every workshop is for me. every single one has kicked my butt, but been worth every drop of sweat and every aching muscle.

at some point today, i realized that even though my life has been very confusing and generally unhappy as of late (gosh, that sounds pathetic), the one time that i am always happy is when i'm dancing.

dancing has never let me down. it rewards me for every ounce of effort i put into it. it's not just the fantastic friendships and the pretty costumes. there is a sense of pride in myself and a general joy that simply comes from somewhere deep inside.

i never thought that i'd have anything that i was good at. i'm not a pro or half as good as my heroes, but i am good. and it's something that i can call my own.

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