Saturday, December 27, 2008


this might have happened...

i wanted to leave hours ago, but i was successfully distracted with little things that needed to be done. just as i opened my front door and stepped under the awning, the sky unloaded.

i stood there for a moment and considered, then came back, threw open the doors to invite in the storm and turned on the music. i curled up in my deep burgundy chair and tossed a blanket across my legs.

after watching the rain and listening to the thunder creeping up in the distance, i grabbed the photography book that you gave me and found my place.

minutes passed and the rain refused to let up. then a beatles tune started up on the radio and i closed my eyes.

you were standing in front of me playing your guitar and i was suddenly missing you fiercely, but i couldn't help but smile.

when i opened my eyes, there is a sunbeam peeking through the fading rain and i knew that somewhere there was a rainbow.

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