Monday, December 15, 2008

distracted during the holidays...

i was out running an errand last night when i got distracted by the christmas lights. i didn't intend to, but somehow, i ended up wandering around webster groves inwardly ooohhhing and aaaahhhing.

it was perfect weather... around fifty and humid--nearly foggy. (foggy weather is the BEST for xmas light viewing, btw.) i had the heat on and the sun roof open and periodically, i could smell a fire... mmmmmm.

as i wove my way through the tight, hidden streets, i was reminded of my visit to nantucket, and for a moment, i could smell the ocean. i pulled over and took a deep breath... smoke and salt... and then it was gone...

i turned on the christmas music and listened as dino sang let it snow and bing dreamed of white christmas...

the lights were beautiful and the moment was wonderfully my own, but it wasn't christmas that i was thinking about.

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