Saturday, September 26, 2009

the beginning...

even though i'm posting some of my work here, i'm keeping this as my personal blog. just a warning.

it's been a really busy month. these are some of my favs from my first wedding. in a couple hours, i'm off to shoot my third.

i've run into some major issues with my work flow, but a friend finally convinced me to get lightroom and things are looking up. i've got a site to sell my photos up, too, finally. the investment for all of this is proving that i will indeed need to work many of these in the future! thank goodness i love this work!!

while most of my days and nights are taken up with the company gig and photography, i've made some new friends as well. this is nice, and i've been enjoying my few hours of free time.

however, the fallout of some of my decisions has been pretty rough for me. i've a lot of regrets, but i always tried to do the best i could and with the best of intentions. it hurts though, when someone looks at you with something bordering on repulsion. that's when you know that you've overstayed your welcome.

i suppose it's bittersweet for me... seeing all of these joyful weddings and lovely couples. i'm thrilled for each one and enjoy this work immensely. but, it is a constant reminder of loss. it's been a real roller coaster and one that i didn't really anticipate.

but, i love this work and cry each time they say their vows. no matter what, i'll always believe in love.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Weddings are really rough for me. I give you a lot of credit!