Friday, November 28, 2008

distance makes the lesson clearer...

The worst thing about Thanksgiving is Friday. I always feel like I need to purge… eliminate the old and prepare for a new world. The problem is that doing that requires me to look at things with the gift of a year’s perspective.

This morning, I faced the file in my email labeled DIVORCE. Gah! I’m terrified that at some point, my ex will come out of the woodwork and attempt to further fleece my already scarred and naked hide. So, with that fear deeply rooted, I may never delete that file.

I’m not sure why, but I did click on one of the last emails. It was one of the few lucid and coherent emails from him. It made me sad. Sad in the way that you pity a child whose dog ran away.

Instead of reading any more, I clicked out and hid the folder as deeply as possible. I renamed it… Lesson Learned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We don't all learn, in spite of the importance of our various lessons. Your lesson must be well-earned if truly learned. Like a high mark from a harsh instructor, it's a bitter yet valuable one.