Thursday, February 18, 2010

going all in...

i've been singing the praises of risk and going for broke for three or four years. i still am.

but, i felt something from my old life today. something i recognized and quickly invited to leave.

hesitation. fear. caution.

any way you label it, i don't like it. but, i understand why it showed up. i've had a difficult few years in the personal relationship arena. one too many skid marks on the soul has left me a bit skittish.

experience is invaluable and something i crave and encourage, but it also steals naivety and slips in "what ifs" when they're not welcome. i think i'm doing exceptionally well, considering my track record.

i've got a lot of faith in myself, but in someone else? that may be a little more difficult to come by than it used to be.

at least i keep showing up to play and take the risk.

i still believe in going all in.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I get you on that one. Going all in is where it's at and life can sometimes give you pause. I've been paused for some time now and miss the days when I would go all in. I guess I could go all in again... maybe later.