Sunday, January 10, 2010

what i'm not going to say...

"boys are simple, girls are complex."

a guy told me that and i didn't think that was a very nice thing to say about guys. so, in my infinite wisdom, i disagreed.

but, the joke is on me. oddly enough, while watching a group of twenty something guys play on stage last night, it occurred to me that the guy who told me that was right. i really don't think the majority of men really want or need explanation. "your lips move, but i don't hear what you say."

i can't believe it took all these years to realize that all of my probing questions to understand and struggles to be clear and communicate, which ended up in paragraphs of emotional explanations, have been a huge waste.

i will not tell you, dear reader, how often i have second guessed my communication skills. you've read it here a dozen times.

"dating is hard" because we make it that way. the more i try to live in the moment, minimize expectations, and be honest about what i want, the deeper into the quicksand i am yanked.

i think the best that i can do is attempt to maintain a sense of humour in the face of the relentless and emotional lightening bolts. cry, laugh, cry, laugh. there is comfort in routine.

i am left with only one thought. i really need to get a cat.


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Men are all the same. The gods simply gave them all different faces so we could tell them apart.

Unknown said...

thank you! for the kudos. :)

ahh, if men were all the same, we could nail down a formula and this would be moot. frustrating as they are to me and i to them, i'd not change things. my problem is becoming attached. :)

itsnotmeitsyou said...

haha amen sister. Check it