Sunday, January 03, 2010

best of the batch...

IMG_8346, originally uploaded by MisfitHue.

i like this photo. i followed this woman around to get her where i wanted her. i suppose it might have been a little invasive to go up and ask her to take that purse off. it wouldn't have been true street photography in my eyes.

i took this at the chicago art institute. that chicago trip has netted me a lot of photos that i really like. i stumbled upon this file the other day... MORE! i thought that i'd gotten through all of them. click on the photo to see more that i took in the museum and in the city. i'm actually really fond of several in the batch.

lately, i'm really itching to get to our art museum. there is something about shooting people in museums that i enjoy, the dynamics that people express. people are fascinating any time that i can shoot them when they've forgotten themselves and are just engrossed in whatever it is that has their attention.

you are my favourite subject. :)

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