Tuesday, December 29, 2009

a couple of notes...

IMG_8632, originally uploaded by MisfitHue.

this is my favourite pic from robert and jessica's wedding. when the officiant announced them, jess actually turned and pumped that bouquet.

jess is a hoot, and i'm so very happy to have her in the family. i'm also glad because rob seems to be especially partial to her, and well, that does help.

next, because i'm set on tormenting myself, i've signed up for the january nablopomo. yes, make no mistake, i'm certifiable.

the theme for january is "best". i am allowed to interpret that in any way and... i will. who knows what is to come, but it's sure to be a daily treat.

christmas is over, and i have to admit, it was lovely, but i'm pleased as punch that it is winding down. i am grateful for everyone and enjoyed all the laughter and food! however, at some point, the sparkle sort of wore thin amidst the rushing to get everywhere.

now, i'm looking toward 2010. i'm not one for resolutions. i prefer to set a goal. this year, i've a few, but the big one is simple--move to freelance and photography: get out of the cubical. i've got 365 days plus 2. let's see what i can do. you know how i love a challenge.

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