Monday, June 15, 2009

about last night...

IMG_4453, originally uploaded by MisfitHue.

i took my camera to the future of the orient show at cicero's last night--sort of as an after thought. the show was put together by final veil and promised a wide variety of dancing.

about half way through the show something clicked in my head and the whole event turned into a belly dance safari for me. i was wearing this cute little flouncy dress that is sort of short. i utterly threw "lady-like" off the bus and started climbing over people to get a better spot for pics. i don't think i flashed anyone; it was a dark bar and i was on the floor, after all. so glamorous, isn't it?

by the last set of dancers, i was camped out in the front. the last act was the picture in this blog--all dancers i know. their entire presentation was dramatic and creative, plus these girls are good dancers. well, i was shooting like a crazy woman when i realized that all of these men had descended around me--photog guys. guys with cameras that were as good as or bigger and better than mine.

granted, this was probably triggered by the sheer dramatics of this act, but it didn't really matter to me. it felt unbelievable to be swimming with these fish. i don't know who they were, but i remember thinking, "right here, right now, this is what i want."

after the show, i charged up the stairs taking them two at a time to my apartment to get to the computer. this is no joke people; i'd have taken down any poor soul in my way.

i took more than 900 pictures and learned a truck load about shooting dancers. i've a lot of editing still to do, but i'm absolutely thrilled with what i got.

...and next time, i'll wear pants!

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