Saturday, May 30, 2009

what a long strange trip it is...

let's play catch up.

the show was a blast. truly. it was well produced, the dancing was fabulous and the audience... well, what can i say? i do this for myself, but take it to the stage to share--to bring a smile and maybe get the audience to move a little in their seat.

i was touched by how many of you attended our little dance show. overwhelmed, in fact, and i thank you.

also this month... mike decided to move, and though he refused help, i was always at the ready. oddly, his move has shown me how much i've changed.

those of you who know me well, know that i've always been a bit of an over planner and a little ocd about cleaning, organizing and keeping general order. back when everything i did was from scratch and i worshiped martha, they didn't call me the cleaning nazi for no reason.

what i've learned this month? i've left a major chunk of that behind. that powerful tugging undertow, the one that would cause me to straighten your stack of magazines when you left the room.... it's gone. i like my personal space tidy, but even i've learned to appreciate a good healthy pile of laundry in the corner. this is amazing on so many levels that only someone who has lived with me can truly appreciate the magnitude.

and then... there are my career struggles. and yes, i mean struggles. for one, i had to make a decision this month that had me in mental lock down for days. a decision that i appreciated in an economy like this. but, nonetheless, i faced the easy answer on so very many levels--and said no thank you. i've chosen to map a course to make what i love my career. it was especially hard because i've always taken the easy road... and this road is scary. really scary.

and these are the highlights i'm willing to share. the whole month has been full of things that have blown my mind. i've never been so happy, so terrified and so certain. and most of all, so pleasantly surprised.

and thanks to jonathan for the pic on this page...

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