Sunday, May 31, 2009

seductive pancakes

54/365PancakesnCompote, originally uploaded by MisfitHue.

i was just marveling at how my photos of food have even more views on flickr than any of the belly dance pics i've posted.

soooo, food is sexier than cleavage? the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, eh?

my food hits have been so high that i've actually considered expanding this blog to include more food photos. of course, that means i'll have to cook more.

i have been cooking more! but, i can't even pawn off the leftovers on a man whose counters are covered in granola bars with only odouls in his fridge. LOL

so, maybe my cooking isn't so tasty. i don't really know since i killed my taste buds during my childhood. however, the pictures are nice. at least the people on flickr think so...

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