Sunday, August 31, 2008

seven years ago today...

seven years ago today, i said i love you to my dad for the last time. i told him not to be scared, that everything would be okay.

just the day before i'd been laid off and in just two weeks the twin towers would come down. i like to think my dad died that day in order to be where he needed to in order to help all the lost people coming from new york, the pentagon and pennsylvania.

nonetheless, i mark this day by remembering how awesome my dad was... and how incredibly horrendous lung cancer is. i think it's important to remember the fabulousness of my dad, but i can't forget his achilles heel. after all, i had only beaten smoking one year before he died.

most important on this day... is remembering his smile and the twinkle in his eye when he was chasing me around the house with a frozen trout or pulling me up on my head by my ankles or teasing me about eating brain sandwiches or making me kitty cocktails or... so many things.

and i tell the people i care about that they are incredible, wonderful people. i never told dad that enough.

1 comment:

Will said...

Wow. I never realized how many people have lost someone around this time. Sept 8th was my grandmother's passing. Sept 9th a friend of mine lost her grandmother. And then you figure in Sept 11th.... yeesh. I think the dead season has shifted.