Sunday, November 08, 2009

november eight stream...

i had a list today and i actually knocked off everything on it. i'm celebrating that in my own little way. i used to be a Tasmanian devil with a list. today made me feel a little better about my apparent confusing behaviour as of late. i did another skate too. between the rabid skate yesterday and then a challenging one today, i have serious gluteus unhappymus. that's okay, i needed this in a big way. i forgot that i'm still not supposed to be working too hard, but i still have a lot pain pills. a bit of anger arrived today along with some over due disillusionment to fuel that skate. i finished the second wedding shoot last night and fell asleep with my laptop, yet again. i'll tell you, it's not a good cuddler. with wedding two finished, i started wedding three and i'm actually feeling pretty good about what i saw. i had a friend that i wanted to call and tell about this, but i didn't. it was a really productive weekend, and as has been typical, full of extreme ups and downs. this year has been exhausting.


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PEICycler said...

HI Kym, I am late but thanks for your comments on Nov6. I really enjoyed the trip and my friend that was with seemed to fit in well and says he had a good trip as well.