Tuesday, July 15, 2008

funny little friendship necklaces

you know those little heart shaped necklaces? the ones that are cut into two pieces for "best friends"?

i always thought those were incredibly cheesy. until about an hour ago.

i guess i never really gathered the full value of friendship until the beginning of my 40th year, and tonight, it finally clicked into place--the understanding of unconditional friendships.

i know that i have friends i can count on, but i'd never really tested that. however, this past year and a half i have called in favors and leaned on shoulders. i've taken my troubles and tossed them to the floor like pieces of a puzzle i could not sort. i have felt the pressure ease as others helped me define the borders and sort through the pieces.

i've learned a valuable lesson, that friendship is more than birthday cards and saying you'll be there if they need you. to truly flex the friendship muscle and make it buff, when things go to hell, you have to know you can't do it alone. you must take them up on that offer of help.

when that happens, something beautiful emerges. you become one in a way that only people who wear the jagged heart necklaces can. all the pieces fall together and there is peace, serenity--a silent understanding of who you are and a joy in not only knowing, but being.

and there is comfort in knowing that you are not alone, that there others wearing jagged little heart necklaces--others who in some way complete you.

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