Sunday, May 18, 2008

stop the ick!

dear gawd, whose idea was it to leave the mcdonalds open at one am???

first of all, somebody must have been drunk and confused, because they turned off the jack in the box sign and that is SUPPOSED to be on! i'm supposed to be able to kill myself with fifty cent deep-fry-me-a-mystery-meat taco at one in the morning. those are my "your night sucks and you need to do some emotional eating" snack.

but, instead i ended up at mcdonalds. you'd think that would be okay, unless you know me. i don't eat fast food. so when i do, i expect to suffer, usually by sticking my head under the faucet to get the water faster. and mcdonald's is a salt lick.

however, i've introduced a daily med to my life and let me assure you that it has an absolutely violent reaction to that delectable fast food oil... lard... kill juice that makes french fries the wonder drug for the emotionally spent. i woke up this morning with a food hangover and spent the brighter part of the morning wishing i could just reach in and remove my tummy.

i'm guessing this is a good thing. emotional eating will now focus on celery with light cream cheese. or perhaps those alfalfa sprouts growing in my fridge. cuz we know we aren't going through this again. at least not until i pass kfc with an open window and a heartache.

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