Wednesday, September 10, 2008

my lipstick rant...

and we're off...

palin introduced the lipstick and now i'm hearing rumblings about people using it as a poking stick. of course they are.

i heard russ carnahan take a shot yesterday, “there’s no way you can dress up that record, even with a lot of lipstick.”

and obama got in his two cents, "you can put lipstick on a pig," he said, "it's still a pig."

there is debate... are they talking about palin? mccain? government on the whole?

and now there's a republican cry for an apology to palin?

oh, for the love of pete.

palin's surely wearing her flats and ready to rumble. personally, i think she's an inept, pompous little twit, but i'm certain she can handle the lipstick slam dance.

regardless, we may want to pay more attention to what this little girl from alaska may have up her sleeve. she's leading the farthest right into the light and the boys are taking pot shots covered in fire engine red loreal?

stay sharp, people. this glacier bay water shrew ain't no lady.

1 comment:

Will said...

Personally, I wish someone unrelated would take the gloves off and let her have it. Start a fire in the media of "I can't believe she's not defending herself... why won't she answer this in the media??" get her to where she HAS to talk, or risk looking really bad. And THEN, hit her with the REAL issues.